

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Day 2

Yesterday was crazy. I really can't put the feelings and amazement into words. The day started off by me waking up at 6am and getting a ton of work done. It followed by Hye Jung taking me to breakfast to a local place that uses only organic ingredients. The food was amazing.

After breakfast, we planned the week out and then Rader picked me up and took me surfing. The waves were averaging 3 to 5 feet. I was able to catch a nice 4'ft and ride it out on my knees, my best wave of the day. I was also able to catch a coupe others, which I stood up but bailed pretty quickly. It was great getting back into the water.

After surfing we picked Hye Jung up from school, and headed out to Spitting Caves. Spitting Caves is crazy. When you first get there and see it, you immediately start feeling the adrenaline shoot threw your veins. It is about a 38 foot jump from the top to the water. You have to clear about 1 foot out when you jump, otherwise your hitting rocks. There is about a 10 foot opening that you are aiming for once the tide clears. Thank God for John Rader. He is the one who showed me this jump and explained how to do it and most importantly what not to do. It was amazing to jump it !!! After you jump it, you really respect it but start to love it.

When we first got to spitting cave, there was no one there. After the first jump people began to trickle through to watch.  After my second jump, a lady in her mid 50's wanted to do it. I stayed on the bottom, while Rader explained what she had to do. I didn't know why at the time, but I had a really bad feeling in my gut that something was going to go wrong. Well, she jumped it, and she made it. But when she came up, she somehow had cut the tip of her nose off during the impact into the water. It was a bloody mess. It made me respect spitting caves much more.
After that we went to Costco to eat and then went sight seeing. Let me say, it seems like every time you turn around on this island, there is just something amazing to see. I can't put into words how breath taking the view were. I hope the pictures I took justify the way I felt. It was a perfect way to spend the rest of the evening. Gotta love Hawaii !!!!!!!!!!!

The cruiser and boards

After we got done cliff jumping, we see a ton of fish.

Old Army Bunker

An old army bunker

John Rader, Hye Jung Kim, Me ;-}

I am that tourist who only puts sun screen on a certain part of my back. My back got fried !!!

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